Who was Mary Magdalene?

Magdalene first comes into people’s awareness as a red cloaked figure at the foot of the cross, weeping. We are told, by Christian dogma, that she is crying for her sins that were those of the flesh and for all of humanity. We are told she was a sinner who became an avid follower of Jesus Christ. For many years she was entirely forgotten about, until in more modern times she’s portrayed as semi-naked and holds the church’s symbol of penance. The perception of her has changed over time, being fashioned again and again to suit the needs of the Chrisian church. As if all of a sudden, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene was discovered in 1896 along with other Gnostic Gospels discovered in 1945, which forever changed the perception of her. The figure that emerges drastically contrasts what we were taught as children, and the narrative of her over the ages.
First, we learn that Magdalene was the companion of the Savior, who’s name in his life was Yeshua. We know that she was a wealthy daughter of a businessman. With this upbringing she was able to fund Yeshua’s ministry. Raised in Magdala, by the Sea of Galilee, she would later leave her comfortable home for a life on the road with her sacred partner. On that journey, she gained the title Mary Magdalene, meaning Woman of the Watch Tower, or Lighthouse. Simply put, she stood watch over the flock of Yeshua’s disciples as a protector, guide, and teacher.

Before it was time to begin her divine ministry with Yeshua, she was welcomed into many temples to learn and teach. During this time, she learned how to work with the body from conception to death, honoring the entire process as Sacred. This included training as a death doula, and sacred anointing ceremonies, which enabled her to become a transformational guide.

In honor of her ministry, she chose to separate from two of the three of her children for their safety. As a result, Magdalene and her daughter with other true disciples, were guided to Southern France to continue their mission. Over the next 30 or so years, she ministered across what is now modern Spain, France and Italy, teaching the Way of Love and changing souls for the good. Her teachings took particular residency with a community called the Cathars. The Cathars were made up of ‘Good Men’ and ‘Good Women’ who practiced in the Faith of Love. They looked upon all fellow humans as holy and with compassion. They became the healers of their communities, what we can understand as being a true ‘Good Samaritan’.

Tragically, during the Albigensian Crusade led by the Dominican Church in the early 11th Century, the Cathars were targeted and genocidally wiped out in a concerted effort to silence Magdalene’s voice and eradicate the teachings. Unfortunately, the only documentation was written by the Dominican monks during the torture of Cathars during that time. Everything else was burned, books, artwork, and people alike.

It is told that as the last Cathar was burned at the stake, in 1321, a prophecy was proclaimed. “We shall return in 700 years when the laurel turns green again.” The time returns.


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Crista is an Intuitive Medium, Voice Channeler, and a Certified Hypnotherapist . Crista began channeling Spirit at the age of 7. Her focus is empowering you with sacred wisdom from Divine Feminine Christ-Consciousness and the Goddesses that embody this lineage. She channels multiple teachers from this lineage, including Hathor, Isis, Mary Magdalene, and many more!

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