Egyptian Ritual Oils

Sacred Medicine Bag: All 24 Oils

If you are ready for the full measure of potency available with these high vibration oils, this is the best choice for you. This purchase brings the oils to just $26 per bottle (regularly $44 per bottle when purchased individually). The 24 oils come with a large case to hold all of your ceremonial, healing oils. The full set of oils you receive includes:

The Divine Duo: Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Blends

The Seven Sacred Oils – Body Chakras:
Red Amber, Musk, Jasmine, Rose, Amber Cashmere, Sandalwood, and Blue Lotus

The Seven Cosmic Oils – Higher (Non-body) Chakras:
Papyrus, Myrrh, Frankincense, Nile Flower, Golden Water, Carnation, and Flower of Sakkara

The Well Being Oils: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon Grass, Mimosa, Orange, Peppermint, Pomegranate, Spikenard


High Vibrational Oils

If you are ready for the full measure of potency available with these high vibration oils, this is the best choice for you. This purchase brings the oils to just $26 per bottle (regularly $44 per bottle when purchased individually). The 24 oils come with a large case to hold all of your ceremonial, healing oils. The full set of oils you receive includes


7 Sacred Oils + Cosmic Chakra Oils

Lower & Higher Chakras & Divine Masculine & Feminine

  1. Red Amber & Red Jasper Gemstone Rollerball (Root)
  2. Musk & Cerulean Gemstone Rollerball (Sacral)


Cosmic Chakra Oils

If you have already been working with the body chakra oils you can now get the Higher Chakra oils also plus the Ancient Egyptian Divine Masculine Blend.

These oils are for the non-body chakras that serve as gateway into the higher realms of cosmic consciousness


7 Sacred Oils

Your Box of Oils Includes:

  1. Chakra – Red Amber & Red Jasper Gemstone rollerball (root)
  2. Chakra – Musk & Cerulean Gemstone rollerball (sacral)
  3. Chakra – Jasmine & Tiger’s Eye Gemstone rollerball (solar)


Well-Being Oils

The Well-Being Oils are made from plant essences that are known to support well-being of body, mind, and spirit. Like all of our essential oils, they work on an energetic and physical level to support overall health and vibrancy. Their luscious scents and unmatched potency makes them a must-have for your medicine bag.


Christ Consciousness Trio

Myrrh oil connects us with the Spirit Chakra (9th chakra). It comes with with an Aventurine gem-stone roller ball. Myrrh was the first of three oils carried by the Magi to the Holy Family at Jesus’ birth. Diffuse to understand and integrate Jesus’ teachings. Use it on the feet to unlock secrets held in sacred places. It can deepen the power of prayer, open channels for wisdom from the four bodies (spiritual, mental,


The Divine Duo

These two sacred oils are combinations found on the temple walls in Egypt and crafted following ancient tradition. Use to balance and harmonize our masculine and feminine energies, these luscious fragrances smell divine when used separately, but are even more stunning when combined. they can be used to call in a new sacred partnership or up level existing partnerships.


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Crista is an Intuitive Medium, Voice Channeler, and a Certified Hypnotherapist . Crista began channeling Spirit at the age of 7. Her focus is empowering you with sacred wisdom from Divine Feminine Christ-Consciousness and the Goddesses that embody this lineage. She channels multiple teachers from this lineage, including Hathor, Isis, Mary Magdalene, and many more!

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